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Hello..I am Dr. Pinki Purkayastha, Chandrani is my other name.I am an Environmental Scientist by profession...I love to write articles, poems, stories and dramas tooo.....
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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

Let's go green and save our beloved Mother Earth..

Let's adopt sustainable livelihood for a better future...

As This is Our Only Home.....

Lets' try to be the hero who works to heal Mother Nature....

Let's remember the Vedic Hymn to the Earth, the Prithvi Sukta in Atharva Veda, is unquestionably the oldest and the most evocative environmental invocation.

In it, the Vedic seer solemnly declares the enduring filial allegiance of humankind to Mother Earth: 'Mata Bhumih Putroham Prithivyah: Earth is my mother, I am her son.'The Hymn says, in prayerful thanksgiving and homage: Earth in which lie the sea, the river and other waters, in which food and cornfields have come to be, in which lives all that breathes and that moves, May she confer on us the finest of her yield. Earth, in which the waters, common to all, moving on all sides, flow unfailingly, day and night, may she pour on us milk in many streams, and endow us with lustre. May those born of thee, O Earth, be for our welfare, free from sickness and waste. Wakeful through a long life, we shall become bearers of tribute to thee. Earth, my mother, set me securely with bliss in full accord with heaven, O wise one, uphold me in grace and splendour.

World Earth Day...some facts

 World Earth day is the most widely celebrated international environmental event.Earth Day helps celebrate Earth’s unique place in the universe. It is the only planet in our solar system teeming with incredible biodiversity.

Facts :
  • Senator Gaylord Nelson of the United States founded Earth Day.
  • Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970 in the United States.
  • On March 21, 1971, United Nations (UN) Secretary-General U Thant made Earth Day an international celebration.
  • In 1990, the first official International Earth Day was celebrated. 
  • About 200 million people from 141 nations took part in a celebration of environmental conservation.
  •  This year's Earth Day is centred around a scheme called "one billion acts of green", which encourages individuals to make simple environmentally conscious pledges, such as switching off lightbulbs or reducing car journeys.  
  • The first Google Earth Day doodle introduced  back in April 22, 2001 . The 'O's in the Google logo were replaced by the western and the eastern hemisphere for the earth . 
  •  To mark the 42nd anniversary of Earth Day, Google this time has posted a flower-themed Google Doodle on its home page. It features an animated image of blooming flowers in purple, red and yellow colours that spell Google.

Symbols :
  • Symbols used by people to describe Earth Day include an image or drawing of planet earth; a tree, a flower or leaves depicting growth; or the recycling symbol. 
  • The “Earth Flag”, which was designed by John McConnell, has been described as a “flag for all people”.  
  • It features a two-sided dye printed image of the Earth from space on a dark blue field, made from recyclable, weather-resistant polyester.
  • Margaret Mead believed that a flag that showed the earth as seen from space was appropriate.